Relation between sulfur in various chemical forms and the rate of growth in the colorless flagellate, Chilomonas paramecium /
Mast, S. O.
Relation between sulfur in various chemical forms and the rate of growth in the colorless flagellate, Chilomonas paramecium / by S. O. Mast and D. M. Pace - [Leipzig : Gebrüder Borntræger], 1935 - 297-325 p. : ill. ; 25 cm - Protoplasma ; 23 .
Relation between sulfur in various chemical forms and the rate of growth in the colorless flagellate, Chilomonas paramecium / by S. O. Mast and D. M. Pace - [Leipzig : Gebrüder Borntræger], 1935 - 297-325 p. : ill. ; 25 cm - Protoplasma ; 23 .