Benvenuti nel catalogo della Biblioteca del Mare. Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn

Your search returned 686 results.

Les Hydraena de la peninsule Iberique (en annexe synonymie de deux formes mediterraneennes) / par A. D'Orchymont. by
  • Orchymont, Armand d'
Series: Mémoires du Musée royal d'histoire naturelle de Belgique. Deuxième série ; 6
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction
Language: Francese
Publication details: Bruxelles : Musee Royal d'Histoire Naturelle, 1936
Availability: Items available for loan: STAZIONE ZOOLOGICA ANTON DOHRN (1)Call number: SC 776 003.
Revision des "coelostoma" (s. str.) non Americains / par A. D'Orchymont. by
  • Orchymont, Armand d'
Series: Mémoires du Musée royal d'histoire naturelle de Belgique. Deuxième série ; 7
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction
Language: Francese
Publication details: Bruxelles : Musee Royal d'Histoire Naturelle, 1936
Availability: Items available for loan: STAZIONE ZOOLOGICA ANTON DOHRN (1)Call number: SC 776 002.
Limides jurassiques de l'Est du bassin de Paris / par Colette Dechaseaux. by
  • Dechaseaux, Colette
Series: Mémoires du Musée royal d'histoire naturelle de Belgique. Deuxième série ; 8
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction
Language: Francese
Publication details: Bruxelles : Musee Royal d'Histoire Naturelle, 1936
Availability: Items available for loan: STAZIONE ZOOLOGICA ANTON DOHRN (1)Call number: SC 776 002.
Berichte der Physikalisch-Medizinischen Gesellschaft zu Würzburg. by
  • Physikalisch-medizinische Gesellschaft zu Würzburg
Material type: Continuing resource Continuing resource
Language: Tedesco
Publication details: Würzburg : Verlag der Physik.-Med. Gesellschaft, 1936-
Availability: Items available for reference: STAZIONE ZOOLOGICA ANTON DOHRN: Not for loan (11)Call number: SC 336 030, SC 336 030, SC 336 030, SC 336 030, SC 336 030, SC 336 031, SC 336 031, SC 336 031, SC 336 031, SC 336 031, SC 336 031.
Annales scientifiques de l'Université de Jassy. by
  • Université de Jassy
Material type: Continuing resource Continuing resource; Format: print
Language: Francese
Publication details: Jassy : Université de Jassy, 1900-1936
Availability: Items available for reference: STAZIONE ZOOLOGICA ANTON DOHRN: Not for loan (26)Call number: SC 461 001, SC 461 001, SC 461 002, SC 461 002, SC 461 004, SC 461 004, SC 461 005, SC 461 005, SC 461 006, SC 461 006, SC 461 007, SC 461 008, SC 461 009, SC 461 010, SC 461 011, SC 461 012, SC 461 013, SC 461 014, SC 461 015, SC 461 016, ...
Versuch einer vergleichenden Morphologie des Flügelmusters der Saturniden auf entwicklungsphysiologischer Grundlage / von Karl Henke. by
  • Henke, Karl
Series: Nova acta Leopoldina : Abhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina. 4 ; Neue folge, ; 18
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction
Language: Tedesco Language: Inglese
Publication details: Halle (Saale) : Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina, 1936
Availability: Items available for loan: STAZIONE ZOOLOGICA ANTON DOHRN (1)Call number: SC 697 004.
Pflanzensoziologischer Aufbau / von Eduard Rübel. by
  • Rübel, Eduard
Series: Nova acta Leopoldina : Abhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina. 4 ; Neue folge, ; 19
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction
Language: Tedesco
Publication details: Halle (Saale) : Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina, 1936
Availability: Items available for loan: STAZIONE ZOOLOGICA ANTON DOHRN (1)Call number: SC 697 004.
Beiträge zur Anatomie der Belemnoidea : mit 5 Textabbildungen und 14 Tafeln / von Hanns Müller-Stoll. by
  • Müller-Stoll, Hanns
Series: Nova acta Leopoldina : Abhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina. 4 ; Neue folge, ; 20
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction
Language: Tedesco
Publication details: Halle (Saale) : Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina, 1936
Availability: Items available for loan: STAZIONE ZOOLOGICA ANTON DOHRN (1)Call number: SC 697 004.
Vergleichend-morphologische Studien über die sproßbürtige Bewurzelung / von Hans Weber. by
  • Weber, Hans
Series: Nova acta Leopoldina : Abhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina. 4 ; Neue folge, ; 21
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction
Language: Tedesco
Publication details: Halle (Saale) : Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina, 1936
Availability: Items available for loan: STAZIONE ZOOLOGICA ANTON DOHRN (1)Call number: SC 697 004.
Weichteile an Säugetieren aus der eozänen Braunkohle des Geiseltales / von Ehrhard Voigt. by
  • Voigt, Ehrhard
Series: Nova acta Leopoldina : Abhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina. 4 ; Neue folge, ; 22
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction
Language: Tedesco
Publication details: Halle (Saale) : Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina, 1936
Availability: Items available for loan: STAZIONE ZOOLOGICA ANTON DOHRN (1)Call number: SC 697 004.
Die Bedeutung des Gesetzes der Parallelvariationen für die Pflanzenzüchtung / von Th. Roemer. by
  • Roemer, T
Series: Nova acta Leopoldina : Abhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina. 4 ; Neue folge, ; 23
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction
Language: Tedesco
Publication details: Halle (Saale) : Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina, 1936
Availability: Items available for loan: STAZIONE ZOOLOGICA ANTON DOHRN (1)Call number: SC 697 004.
The John Murray expedition : scientific reports / British Museum, Natural History. by
  • British Museum
Material type: Set Set
Language: Inglese
Publication details: London : printed by order of the Trustees of the British Museum, 1936-1967
Availability: No items available.
Cirripedia / by H. G. Stubbings. by
  • Stubbings, Herbert George
  • British Museum
Series: The John Murray expedition. Zoology ; 4.1
Material type: Set Set
Language: Inglese
Publication details: London : printed by order of the Trustees of the British Museum, 1936
Availability: Items available for loan: STAZIONE ZOOLOGICA ANTON DOHRN (1)Call number: IB 239 003.
On a new species of Halobates, a genus of Pelagic Hemiptera / by A. D. Imms. by
  • Imms, Augustus Daniel, 1880-1949
  • British Museum (Natural History)
Series: The John Murray expedition. Zoology ; 4.2
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction
Language: Inglese
Publication details: London : Printed by Order of the Trustees of the British Museum, 1936
Availability: Items available for loan: STAZIONE ZOOLOGICA ANTON DOHRN (1)Call number: IB 239 003.
Copepoda Harpacticoida / von Karl Lang. by
  • Lang, Karl
Series: Further zoological results of the Swedish Antarctic Expedition, 1901-1903 ; 3.3
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction
Language: Tedesco
Publication details: Stockholm : Norstedt & Soner, 1936
Availability: Items available for loan: STAZIONE ZOOLOGICA ANTON DOHRN (1)Call number: IB 263 010.
Concerning a name for bottom mud food / Denis L. Fox, Edgar G. Amstein by
  • Fox, Denis L
Series: Science ; 84, n.2185
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction
Language: Inglese
Publication details: New York, N.Y. : American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1936
Availability: Items available for loan: STAZIONE ZOOLOGICA ANTON DOHRN (1)Call number: O1 066.
Submarine illumination in relation to animal life / by F. S. Russel by
  • Russel, F. S
Series: Rapports et procès-verbaux des réunions ; 101
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction
Language: Inglese
Publication details: Copenhague : Høst, 1936
Availability: Items available for loan: STAZIONE ZOOLOGICA ANTON DOHRN (1)Call number: O1 066.
Die internationale Erforschung der Donau als Produktionsgebiet von Gr. Antipa by
  • Antipa, Gr
Series: Bulletin de la Section scientifique. Académie roumaine ; 7
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction
Publication details: Bucarest : The Academy, 1936
Availability: Items available for loan: STAZIONE ZOOLOGICA ANTON DOHRN (1)Call number: O1 088.
Le acque interne dell'Africa Orientale Italiana : (dal punto di vista idrografico, biologico e della valorizzazione peschereccia) / Pietro Parenzan by
  • Parenzan, Pietro
Series: Bollettino della Società africana d'Italia ; 15
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction
Language: Italiano
Publication details: Napoli : Fratelli Ciolfi, 1936
Availability: Items available for loan: STAZIONE ZOOLOGICA ANTON DOHRN (1)Call number: O1 088.
Contributo all'indagine idrochimica e idrobiologica del Verbano : (Bacino di Locarno) / Pelloni Elzio by
  • Elzio, Pelloni
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction
Language: Italiano
Publication details: Locarno : Pedrazzini, [1936]
Availability: Items available for loan: STAZIONE ZOOLOGICA ANTON DOHRN (1)Call number: O1 088.

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