Neidium through rhoicosigma /
VanLandingham, Sam L.
Neidium through rhoicosigma / by Sam L. VanLandingham. - Vaduz : J. Cramer, 1979. - P. 2963-3605 ; 25 cm. - Catalogue of the fossil and recent genera and species of diatoms and their synonyms: A revision of F. W. Mills "An index to the genera and species of the diatomaceae and their symonyms". .
Neidium through rhoicosigma / by Sam L. VanLandingham. - Vaduz : J. Cramer, 1979. - P. 2963-3605 ; 25 cm. - Catalogue of the fossil and recent genera and species of diatoms and their synonyms: A revision of F. W. Mills "An index to the genera and species of the diatomaceae and their symonyms". .