Izucheniye fosfornogo obmena zelenykh fotosinteziruyushchikh serobakteriy v svyazi s fiksatsiyey SO2 /
Shaposhnikov, V. N.
Izucheniye fosfornogo obmena zelenykh fotosinteziruyushchikh serobakteriy v svyazi s fiksatsiyey SO2 / V. N. Shaposhnikov, V. D. Fedorov - [S.l. : s.n.], 1960 - 487-495 p. : ill. ; 26 cm - Biokhimiya ; 25 .
Other title: A study of phosphorus metabolism of the green photosynthesizing sulphur bacterium with reference to co2 fixation
Izucheniye fosfornogo obmena zelenykh fotosinteziruyushchikh serobakteriy v svyazi s fiksatsiyey SO2 / V. N. Shaposhnikov, V. D. Fedorov - [S.l. : s.n.], 1960 - 487-495 p. : ill. ; 26 cm - Biokhimiya ; 25 .
Other title: A study of phosphorus metabolism of the green photosynthesizing sulphur bacterium with reference to co2 fixation