The Penetration of m-Bromo-Phenol indophenol and of Guaiacol indophenol into Valonia ventricosa /
Brooks, Moldenhauer Matilda
The Penetration of m-Bromo-Phenol indophenol and of Guaiacol indophenol into Valonia ventricosa / by Matilda Moldenhauer Brooks - Washington : The Academy, 1932 - 1 p. ; 26 cm - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ; 18 .
Tav. di studio SZN
The Penetration of m-Bromo-Phenol indophenol and of Guaiacol indophenol into Valonia ventricosa / by Matilda Moldenhauer Brooks - Washington : The Academy, 1932 - 1 p. ; 26 cm - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ; 18 .
Tav. di studio SZN