Studies on the permeability of living cells : X. The influence of experimental conditions upon the penetration of methylene blue and trimethytl thionine /
Brooks, Moldenhauer Matilda
Studies on the permeability of living cells : X. The influence of experimental conditions upon the penetration of methylene blue and trimethytl thionine / by Matilda Moldenhauer Brooks - [Leipzig : Gebrüder Borntraeger], 1929 - 16 p. ; 26 cm - Protoplasma ; 7 .
Tav. di studio SZN
Studies on the permeability of living cells : X. The influence of experimental conditions upon the penetration of methylene blue and trimethytl thionine / by Matilda Moldenhauer Brooks - [Leipzig : Gebrüder Borntraeger], 1929 - 16 p. ; 26 cm - Protoplasma ; 7 .
Tav. di studio SZN