The effect of glucose injections on the blood sugar level, alkali reserve, and blood and urine pH values of starved rabbits /
Eröz, Kâmuran
The effect of glucose injections on the blood sugar level, alkali reserve, and blood and urine pH values of starved rabbits / by Kâmuran Eröz and Meliha Terzioĝlu - Gand : [s.n.], 1949 - 255-268 p. : ill. ; 23 cm - Archives internationales de pharmacodynamie et de thérapie ; 80 .
The effect of glucose injections on the blood sugar level, alkali reserve, and blood and urine pH values of starved rabbits / by Kâmuran Eröz and Meliha Terzioĝlu - Gand : [s.n.], 1949 - 255-268 p. : ill. ; 23 cm - Archives internationales de pharmacodynamie et de thérapie ; 80 .