Fishes and ecological conditions in the shore zone of the Delaware River estuary : with notes on the species collected in deeper water /
De Sylva, Donald P.
Fishes and ecological conditions in the shore zone of the Delaware River estuary : with notes on the species collected in deeper water / [By] D.P. de Sylva, F.A. Kalber, Jr. and C.N. Shuster, Jr. - Dovar : Delaware Board of Game and Fish Commissioners, 1962. - II, 164 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.
Fishes and ecological conditions in the shore zone of the Delaware River estuary : with notes on the species collected in deeper water / [By] D.P. de Sylva, F.A. Kalber, Jr. and C.N. Shuster, Jr. - Dovar : Delaware Board of Game and Fish Commissioners, 1962. - II, 164 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.