Le muscle : etude de biologie et de pathologie /
Le muscle : etude de biologie et de pathologie /
M. Polonovski (prés.) ; K. Bailey ... [et al.] ; G. Schapira (sécr. de réd.).
- Paris : l'expansion scientifique francaise editeur, 1952.
- 401 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Symposium organized by the council for the co-ordination of international congresses of medical sciences under the auspices of the world health organization and the united nations educational, scientific and cultural organisation. Report of a symposium held at Royaumont, France, from August 31 to September 6, 1950.
Symposium organized by the council for the co-ordination of international congresses of medical sciences under the auspices of the world health organization and the united nations educational, scientific and cultural organisation. Report of a symposium held at Royaumont, France, from August 31 to September 6, 1950.